This response is overly harsh and makes some baseless assumptions. First, there's no clear evidence that Juice’s comment insinuates anything about Grant’s sexuality. Jumping to that conclusion seems like projecting rather than addressing the actual content of the statement.

Next, the personal attacks on Juice—calling him a "dumb jock" or implying he’s insecure about his role—are unnecessary and undermine the argument. Criticism is fair, but when it turns into name-calling, it loses credibility.

You also dismiss the NFLPA’s concerns about locker room privacy far too easily. It’s not just about physical safety; it could be about emotional and psychological well-being. The locker room is an intimate space, and players deserve some boundaries.

While media is important in sports, suggesting that without it the NFL would turn into a “semi-pro beer league” is an exaggeration. Times have changed, and athletes now communicate directly with fans through social media. The idea that players need the media to exist feels outdated.

Lastly, the tone here is unnecessarily aggressive and condescending. There’s a way to critique the issue without turning it into personal mockery. Both athletes and journalists deserve mutual respect, and that should be the focus of the discussion.

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Brother actually got so mad he called his daddy to write an article whining for him

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If people read this insecure screed and think it’s a coherent article/criticism of anything football related, please seek help. This is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever read. No one reads you. Juice plays almost every offensive snap, is the emergency QB, the emergency kick holder, can field punts, and is a valuable release valve for Purdy (who your stupid son said was done after week 8 last year) in the passing game. Your bashing of Juice just exposes you as an insane moron who doesn’t even watch the games! Incredibly moronic. Personally, if this many players had problems with me and my media colleagues refused to come to my defense I might do some self-reflection. Maybe Grant should consider that for just a half of a second.

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Juice doesn't even come close to playing every snap. I believe it was around 40% last season. As for doing all those things if asked, it is because he has nothing else to do. He is an "All-Pro" from a pool of 6-7 players also.

These players are soft, just like you. Please just go back to worshipping all Kyle's and stay away from the rest of us.

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He's played 60% of offensive snaps this season! https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/reports/snap-count-analysis/?team=SF

He's a good player, or do you think he's only on the team because Kyle Shanahan is an idiot? I guess only the Cohns and their fans know football and can evaluate players. Professional NFL coaches? Nope. Professional NFL player evaluators? Hell no! Professional NFL analysts? Morons! All Cohns think they know about the right way an NFL franchise should run. They should know, because... what reason again?

Are you even a 49ers fan? So far in your substack history you've ONLY interacted with this article. Are you a Cohn family member, or do you just wish you were?

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

The emergency QB? Shut the hell up you boot licker. You sound like you worship another grown man because he's good at a game.

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I'm not a bootlicker for pointing out that Grant had to have his daddy come to his defense. Notice any other 49ers reporter/media coming to Grant's defense? Me neither! Wonder why that is...

Are you a bootlicker for bashing me about something I got right? https://www.nbcsportsbayarea.com/nfl/san-francisco-49ers/juices-joke-to-jimmy-g-after-realizing-he-was-49ers-emergency-qb/1432160/

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I don't really care about Grant Cohn. I'm indifferent to him, sometimes he's right, other times he's not. I'm not licking any boots. You're comment came off like you're Juices uncle. The fact that you listed "emergency QB" is some all time fanboy worship. 3 QBs would have to go down in a game for him to even be considered to play QB. The even funnier thing is when that DID happen, McCaffrey was the QB. Not Juice. But hey, he can field punts!

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You think my response to this article came off bad? How about the article itself? It seems like it was written by Grant's Uncle... or Dad... oh wait!

And buddy, how many times this season have the niners had 3 QBs active on game day? Is McCaffrey active on game days this year? It's not bootlicking if it's true. Juice is a good player for SF. Acting like he's not is just a lie. Or does Kyle give him snaps just to make him happy?

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I read about 2 sentences before I thought Lowell shut up. People have our address. Y can't u let ur son fight his own fight for once?

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bonus points for "semi-pro beer league playing Sundays in Sandusky"

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A masterful flogging put in black and white. This piece, with great irony, metaphorically undresses Juice from the altruistic and collaborative persona that he portrays to the very media he wishes to abolish. You are a master of your craft, Lowell. This is your superpower.

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So after today's game you should take back your statement? Grant offers an opinion, if you don't agree .. move on... this clown (Juice) who is overpaid and smart enough to know that he in a team that is aging and overpaid ,under coached, and massively underperforming...partly because of him "Juice" is i my opinion a homophonic "jock" ( and not much of a jock) and Grant is an open minded ( straight) reporter..thank you Lowell from New Zealand...9ers fan ( I realise you are not)

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I think Grant needs to clear this up. If he’s staring at penises, that’s assault.

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He is the embodiment of a dumb jock. Likely wouldn't have a job were it not for Kyle's off obsession with him ( which is odd BC he was very vocal when carrying Jimmy's water after Lance for hurt). Perhaps he would be better suited to work his wife's sewing machine and make some nice jackets for all the swifties..

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Hell hath no fury like a good & educated father. Big salute to you sir.

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Love you Lowell and Grant .. this guy whom you write about is an overpaid, spoilt, selfself entitled clown.

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The media made the NFL. The money to pay players their millions come from media exposure. Before the networks got involved some players had to take second jobs to make ends meet. Terry Bradshaw won four Superbowls and made about 80K a year.Mr. Juice, you have accept the media because the NFL is entertainment, and in that business media exposure is what it’s all about. Mr. Juice, without guys like grant you’d be bagging groceries at the Piggily-Wiggily. Grow up.

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Nicely said Lowell!

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